Experience nearly limitless application diversity Industries and applications for gas springs, dampers, and drives

Zukunftsweisende Branchenanwendungen - abgebildet sind ein modernes Auto, ein medizinisches Behandlungstisch, ein Industrieroboter, ein startendes Flugzeug, ein Traktor in der Landwirtschaft sowie eine Solaranlage zur nachhaltigen Energiegewinnung.

Stabilus has a portfolio that boasts nearly limitless application diversity.

Our customers trust us across an enormous variety of industries and applications. To name just a few examples in a list that’s by no means exhaustive: 

  • Automotive: Our application range here covers gas springs, dampers, and drives in everything from engine hoods and doors to trunk lid drives.
  • Commercial vehicles: Cabin doors, driver’s seats, trailers, steering columns, and engine hoods of trucks and other commercial vehicles – Stabilus gas springs and dampers are critical in all of these components.
  • Aviation and aerospace, marine, and rail: The application range of our gas springs and dampers in these industries spans from seating and seat backs to luggage compartments.
  • Energy and construction: Stabilus gas springs and dampers play an important role in the energy industry, such as in solar tracking, as well as in residential and commercial construction.
  • Industrial systems and automation: Stabilus gas springs and dampers are used in machine construction, machine covers, automation, and more.
  • Health, recreation, and furniture: Just a sampling of where you’ll find our gas springs and dampers includes kitchen cabinetry, office furniture, swivel chairs, beds, and fitness equipment. 

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