Score points with practical experience Jobs for students and trainees

Are you that student who can’t wait to finally dive into your real dream job? Looking to be as prepared as possible before you enter the workforce? If this describes you, then we should talk.
Gain experience – apply your knowledge
We at Stabilus do all we can to make sure you gain a lot of hands-on experience and that you get to apply everything you’ve learned so far. Support for your research paper or for your bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree. Collaboration as an equal within a strong team. A welcoming attitude toward your skills. All of these are part of a trainee position or work-study job at Stabilus.
Jobs and career
Whether a seasoned professional or just getting started, if you want to use your ideas to make a difference, Stabilus is the place for you. After all, motion control technology is what we live for. With us, you’ll be part of a strong team and will experience optimal professional development.
Stabilus – our name stands for maximum reliability and quality as well as an unparalleled product range in motion control. We combine the expertise of specialized motion control companies under one roof. We have a global presence and stay close to our customers to perfectly serve their needs.
Job Finder
Wherever your path takes you, you’ll be part of a company whose drive is to develop the best solutions in motion control in order to satisfy our customers.